The Mansfield Volunteer Program – affectionately known as the MVP – began in 2015 with the inception of the Volunteer Coordinator position within the City of Mansfield’s Code Compliance Department.
City Council formed a sub-committee whose focus was maintaining property values, as well as improving Code Compliance. Realizing that there is often a root cause for why an individual may be out of compliance, MVP administration matches individuals and organizations wishing to serve in the community with those that may need assistance.
Last month, members of Walnut Ridge Baptist Church displayed what the program is all about. The church community partnered with MVP on a variety of projects at city schools, community organizations, and local non-profits.
The group did yard work to help elderly residents, cleaned up Mansfield Cemetery, made lunches, bagged beans and rice, and more.
And, in the process, these volunteers helped make Mansfield a better community.
Mansfield has an impressive base of volunteers that has gained national and state-wide recognition. With more than 10,000 annual volunteers, this program often produces more than 55,000 hours of sweat equity. From cleaning trash in parks and creeks to building ADA compliant ramps and rails, MVP focuses on community collaboration.
President’s Volunteer Service Award
The City of Mansfield is authorized to issue the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). This is a prestigious award issued by the President of the United States to recognize outstanding volunteer service in a given year.
To be eligible for the award, you or an organization with which you serve with can submit service hours to the City of Mansfield for consideration to earn a PVSA.
Even if awards are not “your thing,” you can become part of the Mansfield Volunteer Program, simply by filling out the form at
For more information about the MVP program: