January is officially National Glaucoma Awareness month. During this time, it is important to spread the word about this group of diseases that affects more than three million Americans every year. Researchers estimate that more than half of people with glaucoma do not know they have it. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the various preventative methods that people can take to protect themselves from vision loss.
To help spread the word about glaucoma awareness, experts from Kleiman Evangelista want to share tips on understanding your risk of Glaucoma.
- Get a comprehensive eye exam – if you are in a high-risk group (ages 60 and older), it is important to get a dilated eye exam so that glaucoma may be caught early, and treatment can begin.
- Talk to your family – Groups at higher risk of glaucoma are those with a family history of it. Talking to your family members about their vision health may prevent loss of your own vision.
- Take prescribed eye drops regularly – Glaucoma eye drops can significantly reduce the risk that high eye pressure will progress to glaucoma. Use eye drops as prescribed by your health care provider even if you have no symptoms.
- Use eye protection – Serious eye injuries and UV rays can create a pressure build up that leads to glaucoma. Be sure to have appropriate eye protection when out in the sun or using power tools/playing extreme sports.
- Maintain healthy behaviors – watching your weight, staying physically active, controlling your blood pressure and more are ways that you can avoid vision impairment from glaucoma.
Dr. Ashish Singh offers a wealth of knowledge on the early signs of glaucoma and treatments for this group of diseases. So don’t wait, schedule your appointment today at: www.keeyecenters.com