June #petofthemonth is Angel Woods Blondin!
Angel Woods Blondin is a miniature Shih Tzu rescue who lives in Arlington with her mother Lori Woods Blondin (an AISD teacher and local performer), her father Jayson Blondin (a local artist) and her two brothers Benny and Ollie (also Shih Tzu rescues). She was taken on by her parents as a foster from one of Lori’s former students who was no longer able to care for her. After one night with mom and dad they both knew this was a foster fail for sure… well dad says he knew the moment he saw her picture. She is now the light of their lives spending her days napping with her brothers and helping dad in the art studio. She has been featured on stage as Willabee in Mary Poppins at Pantego Christian Academy and as Rufus in Legally Blonde at Theatre Arlington. Her and her brothers recently won a costume contest in Fort Worth representing Star Wars characters. Some of her favorite things include dancing, goodies, cuddles, dog friendly patio dining and chasing her brothers and other furry friends at Rush Creek Dog Park.