Save the Date: Oct. 11
The second annual Pink Teal Hope is Here luncheon, featuring guest speaker Janine Turner, will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Oct. 11 at the Sheraton Hotel Arlington.
In this presentation, Janine shares her experience with the disease and the importance of continued work by everyone to support cancer survivors. Janine’s personal connection begins with her mother and sister-in-law’s mother who had to undergo double mastectomies and are now both breast cancer survivors. Unfortunately, Janine and her family experienced the worst side of cancer when they lost their great aunt to the disease.
Janine’s family handled the cancer diagnosis together, as a family. She stood by her mother during radiation therapy sessions and encouraged her mother to be part of a major study, a clinical trial. Janine’s mother, Janice, participated in the study in order to be of service to others with breast cancer. Having stood close by, Janine took the journey of discovery, fear, surgery and recuperation with all the strong women in her family. She speaks intimately about her family’s experience while providing inspiration and hope for the future.
Please join us as Janine shares her experience with the disease and the importance of continued work by everyone to support cancer survivors. Janine’s mother and other close family members have had breast cancer. Janine will talk about their experiences with the disease and their recoveries, while providing inspiration and hope for the future.
For more information, contact Laura Hoffman, or call 817-999-2530.