When you think of Father’s Day, you probably think of your dad or your father figure, that uncle, grandpa or neighbor who stepped up to be the big guy in your life. Every Father’s Day, we let Dad grill us dinner, and then reward him with another tie or bottle of cologne.
At least that’s how Father’s Day is portrayed in magazines and television. In real-life, Dad’s Day can mean anything from morning pancakes, a day at the ballgame or painfully remembering the loss of the first man in your life.
We asked some local dads what Father’s Day means to them.
Paul Fulks:
“I plan to spend Father’s Day with my three girls (my wife and two daughters) floating in the pool and cooking out.
My favorite Father’s Day took place in 2000. It was my favorite because it was the first year with my daughter, as a ‘true’ father.
Father’s Day is a great time to reflect on my dad and grandfathers’ influence on my life, but also a great time to give thanks to my Heavenly Father.”
Mansfield Mayor Michael A. Evans, Sr.:
“I plan to spend Father’s Day with my lovely wife and the Bethlehem Church family. I expect my kids to surprise me (smile).
My favorite Father’s Days were when my children were small. I was happy to be a new dad and knew that my responsibilities were at a higher level.
Father’s Day is a day to honor the men who assumed the mantle of ‘Parenting.’ A parent is a person who takes on the responsibilities of rearing and raising children to become responsible adults, assets to society. I believe that whether men are the biological fathers, or men who stepped up to be fathers, they are to be thanked for their efforts.”
Chad Bates:
“I hope to spend the day with all of my children including our new additions to our families of our sons’ wives, and our three special grandchildren, and all of our four-legged family members. Perhaps a simple grill out by our pool. I do not plan this day, our children do.
I have numerous memories of favorite Father’s Days. I cannot pick just one. They evolve over time from our young children to now our adult children and our grandchildren. Each one is new and a new favorite as our life journey together evolves. I will say sharing Father’s Day with our son who is now a very special dad of three special children and all of our family together is probably my favorite so far. Father’s Day with grandchildren is even more special.
Father’s Day means love, memories of our life journey together. I always reflect on Joy and I together on the day when each one of our children were born on this day. I remember each of those days with very clear detail, which blesses me on Father’s Day as I recall their times of being born. The very days they made me a father, though I prefer for them to think of me as their dad. I think of our challenges and successes together raising them and supporting them now as adults with their challenges and successes. Memories of coaching their sports teams, which was a full family activity for many years, Dad’s Club formation at Pope Elementary, so many sports booster clubs and PTA and other activities, Boy Scouts, teaching Church Sunday School, family lake time and trips and simple discussions over home-cooked meals or holiday dinners and celebrations. All of our memories of our time together over the years and challenges overcome and shared love and experiences. I am a blessed man to have been their dad and to have shared it with my bride and best friend, Joy. At the end of the day on every Father’s Day, I always specifically pray I did well in my role of being Chris, Ben and Liz’s dad, one of my most important responsibilities of my lifetime, by far, that God charged and gifted me with.”
Bowie J. Hogg:
“I plan to spend all day with my family and pack the day as full as possible. We will leave early to go to the Good Day Cafe at First Baptist Arlington before our church service, then the rest of the day should consist of swimming with my wife and two daughters, and I will probably put some meat on the smoker. The gift I want from my kids is their time, and maybe less bickering between sisters!
My memory of my favorite Father’s Day was my first one in June of 2015. My oldest daughter was just about to turn 1, and it just impacts you differently when you are actually part of the Dad’s Club. I remember it was more important than ever for me to say thank you and Happy Fathers Day to my dad, the level of appreciation for what he did as my dad took on a new level of respect and thankfulness.
Father’s Day to me is a reminder of the importance of my role in my children’s lives. A dad has a distinct role in children’s lives, and showing them that we love them, care for them, it is good to work hard, give to others and be a good person. Father’s Day is the perfect reminder of the gift we are blessed with to be called dad!”
Arlington Mayor Jim Ross:
“My kids and grandkids will come over to swim, cook out and spend time together.
The first Father’s Day after I became a grandfather for the first time was very special because it added a whole other appreciation of my kids and grandkids.
Father’s Day is an opportunity to show appreciation and love to your father and your kids who have become fathers.”
Raul Gonzalez:
“Hopefully, this year, Father’s Day will be a slow, relaxed kind of day to spend a little time with our sons and Kerry’s dad. Being a first-time dad on Father’s Day 1994 was the best. I had my son Andrew and my dad together. It was amazing.
Fatherhood is something to be cherished. I am blessed to be a father of three and have had the best dad in the world who was taken too soon at only 66 years old. If you’re blessed to still have your dad, spend some time with him. You will never regret it.”