You don’t have to look far to find special people doing special things in special workplaces. In fact, you simply have to turn to page 26, where we put the spotlight on some local Business Champions, which we’ve tabbed as companies and corporate principals that help keep our community at the commercial forefront.
Take, for example, Valerie Landry, who manages The Sanford House and all that it entails. Some weekend this month, you would be well served to spend a few nights in the inn, dine exquisitely and get yourself pampered – all while traveling, maybe, a few hundred feet. Landry started helping out at The Sanford House as a wee lass. She cleaned rooms and pruned hedges. She has rolled up her sleeves over and over to do the “dirty work” that great bosses remember years later as the foundation on which great businesses are built. Valerie Landry is a champion.
So, too, is Aziz Kobty – and the entire Kobty family, which has turned Prince Lebanese Grill into not just a local treasure, but a nationally renowned dining mecca. In September alone, the Kobtys served as the official celebrity chefs for the Dallas Cowboys’ home opener at AT&T Stadium, were inducted into the Arlington Highlands Rotary Club and were featured in Texas Monthly magazine.
Another busy local businessman is Dr. Kenyon Godwin. He recently re-branded his wellness practice and is now part of the Curis Functional Health team AND has been named the Chair Elect for the Greater Chamber of Commerce. Not to worry – he still will help you fix that aching back or help you trim a few pounds or make sure you’re as physically/mentally/spiritually as fit as can be. He will, because Dr. Godwin is a champion.
You likely know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you take in our Business Champions section you’ll also be privy to some pretty important information in this or any other month: Texas Oncology’s Texas Breast Specialists at offices in Arlington and Mansfield provide compassionate, comprehensive care to patients and their families, because … well, that’s what champions do.
We at Arlington Today magazine consider it a privilege to share the stories you’ll read in the Business Champions section – as well as those on preceding and ensuing pages. When we started this venture almost a decade ago, we pledged to celebrate the greatness that is Arlington/Mansfield/Grand Prairie.
I’m very happy to report that this community is greater than ever.
Hail to the Champions!