Texas Rangers’ sideline reporter Emily Jones is halfway through her third season of her podcast (you did know she has a podcast, right?), the Mom Pod, where she covers all kinds of topics under the sun with her co-host Julie Dobbs, who is also a working mom in the sports industry. Their guests include fan favorite players from local teams, as well as Texas country music legends. We caught up briefly with Emily Jones to get a sense for what drives her, how she keeps it all together as a working mom and what was her favorite quirk about the old ballpark. Her answers are below!
Q: You have a lot of irons in the fire between your work with the Texas Rangers, your podcast, children’s books, mother, wife—what’s a singular underlying value, motto or motivation behind those pursuits?
Emily Jones: My daddy always told me to make hay while the sun shines, so I guess that’s what I’m trying to do. I only say yes to things that bring me joy and make a difference with my family and my community.
Q: Part of your secret sauce in your work with the Rangers is how relational you are with the players. In a past podcast appearance you credited your family for that. What was the internal process like for you as you decided to incorporate that unconventional approach into your work?
EJ: From the time I started in this business, I vowed to be myself and not to pretend to be something I’m not. I don’t have the energy for anything else, honestly. My family keeps me in check constantly, which is a blessing (most of the time), so if i tried to be super serious and ultra professional, they would call me out in a heartbeat!
Q: Your podcast The Mom Game allows you to talk to a wide range of guests. In the time since you’ve launched in 2021, who’s a non-sports guest who stands out to you the most and why?
EJ: We had country music legend Pat Green on, and it was amazing. just to get a glimpse into the life of an entertainer whose career had been such a part of my college and early adult experience was a trip. I’m used to hearing about and experience the ins-and-outs of professional sports, and it was interesting to see how many parallels there are between sports and entertainment. and Julie Dobbs (my mom pod co-host) forced him to sing with us. Actually he sang, and we yelled the lyrics of “Carry On” into our microphones.
Q: What’s a universal truth you’ve learned about life having talked to so many different people from so many different walks of life?
EJ: We are all more similar than we realize, regardless of fame and money. We are all shaped by the things we have experienced, which is why our views on things are often different.
Q: Our generation didn’t have a lot of models for what it looks like to successfully maintain a marriage while working and parenting. In a lot of respects we’ve had to figure that out on our own. Did you have that modeled to you? What would you tell young moms who are trying to figure out what that looks like for themselves?
EJ: I’ve always looked up to my older sister. She’s an incredible wife and mom, all while navigating a successful career as a CPA. She always has work to do but always prioritizes her family. I would tell other women to figure out what success at home and at work looks like for you, because it looks different to everyone.
Q: A little lighter subject matter: Hard to believe the Rangers are starting their 4th season in the new stadium. Are there any quirks you miss about the old ballpark? What about things you appreciate about the new?
EJ: In the old ballpark I had access to the owners’ “Bunker Suite” located right next to the camera well where I worked. So when it would get too hot (basically June – September), I would sneak off into the air conditioned bunker and snack on whatever delicious foods that had been put out that night. All that being said, the A/C in the new place can’t be beat and probably added about five years to my life.
Q: Freestyle: Anything you want people to know about anything you have coming down the pike?
EJ: I am on the board of the Do It for Durrett Foundation, which is a nonprofit that provides financial assistance to families affected by sudden loss. Outside of my family, it’s the thing I’m most proud of. Every penny that goes into the foundation is passed directly on to these families going through their darkest times. You can donate anytime at doitfordurrett.com.