Mansfield’s Spring 2020 Road Report notes that a number of street projects are underway, and some are nearing completion. Here’s the rundown:
South Main Street (Broad to Hunt streets) – South Main Street is substantially complete. Remaining miscellaneous items to be installed include street lamps, decorative items, an additional handrail, striping and signage. The pedestrian crossing at Hunt Street will be active once power is provided by Oncor Electric Delivery.
North Street (north of Newt Patterson Road) – This project is complete.
Turner Warnell Road (Callender Road to Wayland Court) – This project will complete a four-lane, divided thoroughfare from the existing end point near Wayland Court west to Callender Road. It will provide a direct route between FM 157 and U.S. 287. Callender Road will also be completed to the south. The west and north roadway approaches into the City of Arlington will be limited to the transitions to existing asphalt. Currently the sanitary sewer is complete and construction of the 12-inch water line is underway. The storm drain is under construction, and paving work will follow. The project is expected to be complete by October.
Miscellaneous Concrete Roadway Reconstruction – This project includes concrete rebuilds of various segments of York Drive and East Dallas Drive (from Walnut Creek Drive to Live Oak Drive). It also includes improving the asphalt eyebrow section on Clover Hill Road and asphalt pavement on Almond Drive (between Yarmouth Lane to Fairfax Drive) to concrete. Construction on York Drive and the eyebrow are complete. Work is underway on Dallas Drive and Almond Drive. The reconstruction of the asphalt portion of Yarmouth Lane to a concrete street has been added to the projects.
Breckenridge Road (Debbie Lane to cul-de-sac) – This project includes rebuilding the asphalt pavement. The work will be performed by Tarrant County through an interlocal agreement. Through this agreement the City purchases the materials and Tarrant County provides the labor and equipment. Construction is underway. Crews removed from the project due to COVID-19 have returned. The project will take about four months.
Magnolia Street (East Broad to North Wisteria streets) – Magnolia Street is being reconstructed to a concrete collector street including sidewalk on the east side, storm drain improvements and water line and sanitary sewer line replacements. Magnolia Street will be closed from Shady Valley Drive to approximately 300 feet north of East Broad St. and will remain closed until paving is complete. Closing Magnolia Street will significantly decrease the construction duration of the project. Construction of the storm drain is underway. Paving operations have begun and should be completed in mid-summer. The project is expected to be complete by late summer.
Mansfield International Business Park (Klein Boulevard and South Seventh Avenue) – The Mansfield Economic Development Corporation is developing its property at Easy Drive and South Second Avenue. This project will construct Klein Boulevard as a four-lane, divided roadway from FM 917 west across South Second Avenue and through the business park. It also includes constructing South Seventh Avenue as a three-lane, undivided roadway along the western boundary north to Easy Drive. Both roadways include water, sanitary sewer and storm drain improvements. This project also includes asphalt improvements to South Second Avenue from the proposed Klein Boulevard south to FM 917. This project is expected to be complete by November.